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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11AM  NBC  April 17, 2012 11:00am-11:30am PDT

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search for sierra lamar. we'll show you where investigators are now, checking a new body of water. an east bay school district sends out an alert after a 7th grade girl says a man tried to lure her into a van. i'm christie smith, i'll have more in a live report. and a sunday incentive for visiting san francisco could disappear. what city leaders are expected to do today that will anger people all over the bay area. good morning, everybody. thanks for being with us. i'm marla tellez. >> and i'm jon kelley.
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school leaders warning parents in concord to be careful after a second attempted kidnapping at an elementary school in less than a month. mt. diablo school district says a man approached a student from eldorado middle school. nbc bay area christie smith joins us this morning. i have to imagine, this has to be unnerving for students and parents out there. >> reporter: absolutely. the principal tells me this girl was really shaken up when she came into his office to say what happened, that a man was really persistent, came up in a beige passenger van asking repeatedly if she wanted a ride to school. she didn't do it. what they're doing is talking with all of the students about what stood if they're ever approached. students came to eldorado middle school in concord this morning after getting disturbing news. reports that a man tried to lure a 7th grade girl into a beige van. she told the principal, robert humphrey. >> she was walking in glazer,
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and the van pulled in, said come on in, i'll give you a ride, she said no. so the van left, then kind of parked in the corner in the same direction she was walking. so she saw that, turned around, call her mom on her cell phone. mom said walk over to food mart. >> reporter: the girl was walking alone, went to a supermarket for safety. >> when she was in the parking lot, she saw the van again in the parking lot. he was being very persist tent. i worked with the superintendent to make sure we notify the community. >> the purpose of this call is to remind your children not to speak with strangers in cars going to and from school. >> reporter: a stranger danger message went to district families. several schools are in the neighborhood. today, concord police increased their presence. just three weeks ago, two teens reported being approached by another man offering a ride. but the principal says the descriptions are not similar. parents say it is upsetting, but they're glad word is out.
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>> this is how you deal with it. put them all over tv, put them all over the papers, call all the parents. raise awareness. >> reporter: the district is asking students not to walk alone to school if possible. the man described as heavy set, bald, in his 30s with a black mustache and goatee, and may have been polynesian descent. they are checking with registered sex offenders in the area to see if any have a similar description. they're also driving the neighborhood to see if they might find that van. finally, they tell me they're checking in -- >> we just lost the signal from christie smith. in other news this morning, oakland police are searching for a man that beat and sexually assaulted a woman. she was leaving a friend's house 3:00 sunday morning when a man pulled up and told her to get in. when she refused, he got out and forced her into the dark sedan,
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punched her and assaulted her. she was later treated and released from the hospital. one runner we spoke to said she hadn't heard about this attack. >> i definitely want to be watching at 3:00 in the morning. the earlier the light comes out in a half hour or so, feels like there are more people, there are lots of people out. people you see all the time. so there's a sense of community around walking the lake. >> police remind people to be extra careful around the lake. there's a $5,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the attacker who is only described as a man in his 20s. happening now, divers searching perk ladies and gentlemen ponds after discovering new clues in the disappearance of sierra lamar. investigators are using side scan sonar at the ponds off monterey and ogier avenue near 101 and bailey road. this is video into the newsroom of the search. santa clara sheriff's office is not being specific, but we learned new evidence may include
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a fingerprint, dna, or a hair fiber. investigators collected several pieces of evidence, including sierra's purse and cell phone, along with used condoms found in a field not far from her home in morgan hill. the klaas foundation is organizing another search tomorrow morning. mark klaas will be at the state capitol today testifying on two death penalty proposals. his 12-year-old daughter poll ee was kidnapped and killed in 1994. her killer has been on death row for 16 years. today, klaas will testify in support of a senate bill that would end the automatic appeal of death sentences, and a senate amendment that would transfer death sentences from the supreme court to appeals court. marla, we're learning more about the bay area sailors lost at sea over the weekend. waves crashed the crew overboard in a race saturday near the
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farallon islands. four people are missing at this point and presumed dead. victims were remembered with a moment of silence at monday's game for the giants. alex alexus bush was a ball runner. elmore morrissey was visiting from ireland. and sailors say allen taylor was a fixture of the yacht club. >> always had a quick wit. good sense of humor. could hear him down the docks, laughing and joking away, quite the character, but a very, very good sailor. >> a 43-year-old that grew up in belvedere, a sailor who painted scenes of the sport he loved. and another was weeks away from graduating dominican university. wheel the community mourns, they are looking at how to remove the boat stuck in the rocks in the farallon. they say it is an area where birds nest and seals are, they say removing it will be
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difficult. it is tax day. today is attracting plenty of protests. occupy observing lapd will rally with postal workers facing layoffs. that's scheduled for 3:30 outside the main post office on 7th street. before that at 3:00, a separate rally takes place at the civic center post office in oakland to thank californians for paying their taxes. they will demand corporations and wealthy residents pay more. a similar event will also be held in san francisco. looks like a perk of the sunday trips to san francisco may soon come to an end. the city's municipal transit agency expected to approve a plan to enforce parking meters on sundays from noon to 6:00 p.m. right now, metered parking is free on sunday. the meter money will add up to nearly $2 million. the board is looking at a proposal to raise the price of traffic tickets by five bucks. spring is in the air today,
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all week, in fact, summer like temperatures by end of the week. meteorologist christina loren, i don't mean to steal your thunder. >> go ahead, take it. she's exactly right. spring-like weather as we head through the first part of the week. then we transition right into summer when it comes to our highs. temperatures climbing into the 80s, and the reason why is because we're going to lose that natural cooling. oakland is getting a little break, we have been sunny in san jose just about all morning. same for the east bay. not going to be long before the clouds start to break apart. wait another hour for the sun to shine. look at the temperatures in south bay versus north bay. san francisco, 54 versus 71 already in sunnyvale. high pressure is bringing the temperatures up towards the end of the week, and first part of the weekend. i'll have the seven-day forecast in the next report. help you make outdoor plans. one day is looking much better
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than the other. >> i'll take that on commercial. a long deserved retirement, the nation's oldest space shuttle. discovery is settling in at its new digs at the smithsonian hangar near washington, d.c. nbc's chris clack emhas more on this finale to this long and storied career. >> reporter: almost as compelling a liftoff was the takeoff at daybreak tuesday, sitting on top of a jumbo jet, leaving kennedy space center in florida for a final time. like a launch, the curious lined beachers for one last look. discovery is headed to the air and space museum for permanent display at dulles airport near washington. before landing, there was a dramatic flyover over the national mall, the site flamed
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by the capital's iconic monuments. it is the most flown spacecraft in history, 39 trips into space in 28 years nasa used it. it's going to be off the runway where it had the final touchdown. chris clack en, nbc news. what's not to like about this. menlo park signs off on perks of allowing facebook to bring in thousands of employees. we'll show you all of the details. i'm bob redell. we'll take you to a wastewater treatment plant for the possible future of bio fuel production. that story coming up. apple shares have faln five straight days, are they making it a sixth? we'll show you the numbers coming up.
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never in my lifetime did i think i could walk 60 miles in 3 days. if my mom can fight and beat breast cancer, i can walk 60 miles. (woman) the fund-raising was the easiest part. people were very giving. complete strangers wanting to help. i knew someday i was gonna do this walk. if i can do this, you definitely can do this. we can do this. we can all do this together. (man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime. honey, i can't find my internet cord. oh, i'll borrow hailey's. you're downloading movies. fast! from here? where is her cord?! we switched to at&t high speed internet and got wireless access. no more cords.
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wireless, okay, honestly, can i just get a cord, please? dad, the cord's invisible. [ female announcer ] call at&t today to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. it's the fastest internet for the price -- oooh. videos online? here? how much is that? nothin'. at&t high speed internet at home includes access here. our invisible cord is really long, dad. oooh. [ female announcer ] get access to the entire national at&t wi-fi hot spot network for no extra charge. so, call today to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. aren't you glad we switched to at&t? yes...but i want my own invisible cord. you already have one. oh. ♪ welcome back, everybody. facebook is hoping menlo park leaders will hit the like "the curious case of benjamin button" expansion plans.
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they are voting on an agreement in the works for months. facebook hoping to move the location with 6,000 employees by 2015. that's almost double what the city currently allows. the silicon valley giant agreed to pay millions in the coming years as well as donate 500,000 to a community fund, sponsor internships and job training, and they'll back housing and bike pedestrian paths. applications hit a record high at berkeley, but at the same time, more coming in from out of state. it jumped to 28%. that's 10% more than last year, almost double from 2009. out of state students pay more than in state. a80,000 studencents letters to one of nine undergraduate
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campuses. coming isn't as hungry to spend money wastefully according to a government report. they released the annual pig book, which exposes pork barrel spending in the federal budget. finds the cost of earmarks dropped by 80% from $16.5 billion in 2010 to just over 3 billion in 2012. the group says that's the lowest amount in a decade, but the report also highlights $239 million earmarked for cancer research that's already funded somewhere else. and 255 million for a defense department project that is opposed by the pentagon. the group says more trimming is needed. after five days of declines, business reporter says shares in apple are starting to recover. >> apple shares were up about 2.5% on the open. good morning. hard to say why they were up, just as hard to say why they
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were down. apple lost 8% of overall value in the last few days before recovering a bit this morning. so money coming off the table may be a bit of profit taking the last few days. the best apple analyst in the business, gene munster saying it will peak. the google oracle fight had a second day in the courtroom where cameras aren't allowed. one lawyer dragging in a metal filing cabinet to use it to demonstrate computing concepts to jurors. as issue, whether they used java language in android phones without paying oracle. yahoo! reports closing profits today. more important, the conference call with reporters when the new ceo answers questions about where the company is headed. yahoo! sued facebook over patent
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issues. look for that and a fight who can be on the board, whether it can sell asian interests and where that money should go. >> scott, thank you very much. long list of events leading up to earth day, including nbc bay area. you see that peacock, that's why it is green. >> nbc bay area bob redell is at one green event this morning in san francisco that has a powerful purpose. bob, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, marla and jon. the question is could the future of our bio fuel energy production lie in these ponds of wastewater? nasa is proving it is possible. you're looking at what the stays agency calls the omega project. a closed system of plastic tubing. inside, you see the green stuff, that's algae. that is killing two birds with one stone. one, it is treating the wastewater. two, it is producing algae oil, which can then be used to
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produce bio-diesel or aviation fuel. this is still in the experimental stage. what nasa is trying to do now is get the word out to the world that the technology is available, that it does work on a small scale. looking at 400 gallon pond. and trying to encourage private enterprise to take bio fuel production of this kind to the next level. >> trying to provide an alternative way to get algae that doesn't compete with land. in populated areas, there's land competition. this way, you're offshore and not competing for that land resource. >> you're probably wondering why would nasa be involved. one, they have bright people who know what they're doing. two, nasa specializes in space missions, especially trying to solve the problem of long duration space missions. to do that, you're involving with closed loop life support system sort of like what you
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have here. trying to solve that, trying to figure out how do you recover waste, reprocess it, and how do you reuse it. that's what they've done on a small scale at this water treatment plant in san francisco. bob redell, nbc bay area news. >> before i let you go. who is shooting for you. i like that art reflection. >> reporter: rob hughes. >> good job to you, too, bob, explaining that. >> bob is always spectacular. here to explain the forecast, very nice forecast at that, miss meteorologist christina loren. >> bob the builder anyone? good morning to you. still pretty cloudy out there. over the city by the bay. oakland starting to get some sunshine. sun is breaking through the clouds in part. let's go ahead and show you the bay area from space. we can look low clouds are for the next hour, hour and a half.
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they're pushing back quickly now that the sun is out. what happens, the sun warms the top layer and it clears the top down. not too long san francisco will get the sunshine. i want to point out this imagery. look at what this is doing to temperatures. in the 70s in sunnyvale. 55 in san francisco. microclimates are making themselves very distinct heading through today and the end of the week. as you can see, winds are picking up. that's going to help to clear out the cloud cover as well. temperatures on par to hit the 70s just about everywhere. mid 70s in places like gilroy. high pressure will move inland. tomorrow, weak offshore flow makes for another round of fog. thursday, temperatures spike. talking almost ten degree jump. high pressure sets up over the great basin. friday and saturday, we're talking offshore flow. no cloud cover to start, and temperatures are soaring. look at the numbers.
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friday, 85 degrees inland. we'll be just about as warm if not warmer in some cities saturday. inland, hitting 84 degrees. great beach day. temperatures tumble sunday into monday. it will bring in more cloud cover, a cooling effect, and temperatures will drop. enjoy the 80s while they last. back to you guys. >> christina, sincerely, thank you for that feel good forecast. time to jump into the time machine. san francisco honoring the last survivors of the 1906 earthquake. today, city hall will hold a mini parade for three of the four known to still be alive. it starts at 3:30 this afternoon at west continue saint francis hotel. also, the annual survivor dinner at john's grill. more tomorrow on the actual anniversary. ten years and millions of injections later, botox marks a milestone today. we'll tell you which came first, the wrinkles or the eye strain.
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>> both look painful. and the power to smile. the mission to help your kids take care of those chompers.
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welcome back. every day is someone's birthday. well, today is some thing's birthday. ten years ago, botox got fda approval. >> happy birthday. >> last year, five and a half million had botox injections, up more than 500% over ten years ago. although it smoothed unwanted lines, it was originally meant to treat eye muscle problems. >> the story is an
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opthalmologist that used it for crossed eyes noticed wrinkles got better around the eyes. everyone thought they were crazy to use a toxin for wrinkles, slowly it became accepted and it is one of the biggest drugs in the industry. >> today, botox has the green light for more than cosmetic use. it is approved for helping overactive bladder and chronic migraine problems. >> take rust off the pipes at home, too. a uc berkeley student is teaching kids whose families may not be able to afford dental care how to take care of their teeth. >> don't fail your teeth. they started a program called superstar smiles. university student volunteers go to east bay elementary schools to teach basic dental hygiene. this girl with a cleft pallet said she was lucky her family had help to get conservative surgery to repair her pallet. >> i felt that i was a new person, you know. i felt i could finally interact with the world.
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from then on, i have been smiling ever since. >> i love her energy. she hopes to take superstar smiles to vietnam in the next few months, and also wants to become an oral surgeon and start her own free dental clinic. >> she will be a success. she already is. >> smiles are priceless. >> and the other quote, ignore your teeth and they'll go away. thank you. one cardboard arcade creator captured the hearts of millions. next, we'll tell you where you can meet the viral video star in the bay area this weekend. ♪
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okay, so who ordered the cereal that can help lower cholesterol and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. that's yours. lower cholesterol. lower cholesterol. i'm yummy. lower cholesterol. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste? honey nut cheerios. want whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. it's a win win. good? [ crunching, sipping ] be happy. be healthy. can i try yours? the world's most popular cardboard arcade is stopping in san francisco. >> more than 2 million people watched the story online. he is a nine-year-old that made cardboard arcade games in his dad's fix it shop in l.a. elaborate games. his only customer was a filmmaker until recently that shot a documentary. now he is famous and out on
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tour. cool stuff. >> he will be here in san francisco saturday. have a great day everybody!
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